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Uganda's Justice and Law Order Sector Ranked 49th
The global competitiveness report for the period of 2012/2013 has ranked Uganda's Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) 49th out of 144 countries. Last year, Uganda was the 54th position. The ratings consider the efficiency of the sector, legal independence and public confidence in JLOS institutions.  

Kenya was ranked 72nd and Burundi 134th respectively. This information was revealed during the launch of the annual sector performance report 2012/2013. The performance report indicates that the number of courts has increased by 14.5% , there has been a reduction in case back log by 32.2% and a growth in case registration by 56%.

The Hon. Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Yorokamu Bamwine attributed the improvement in Uganda's ranking in law and order to the increasing trust in the system and support from development partners and the government.
Posted 10th, October 2013
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